Save Time by Opening the Same URL on Every Student Device

Save Time by Opening the Same URL on Every Student Device

Students can have trouble navigating to certain websites, especially if they have long URLs. With the push URL feature, this issue disappears. Simply type or paste the URL that you want your students to navigate to into the feature and send it out to all or a select few of your students.

Share Teacher’s Screens

Easily facilitate learning by sharing your screen on every student device. Everyone in your class gets a front row view.

Students are working in varied environments with different access to internet, quiet spaces to work, and the ability to focus and be held accountable. Think about adjusting your expectations around productivity (quality not quantity).


Focus on 1-2 subjects a day (content area teachers: 1 concept).
Create a daily agenda / to do list for students so they are clear on what they need to accomplish. Communicate this expectation with parents, too!
Still assign work “offline” such as reading a book, interviewing a family member, or using the space in the home to measure, compare, estimate etc. Online learning doesn’t mean all screen time.